Stonemaier Games

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  • Apiary
    In a far-distant future, humans no longer inhabit Earth. The cause of their disappearance (or perhaps their demise) is unknown, but their absence left a void ready to be filled by another sentient species.   Over the span of untold generations, one species of the humble honeybee evolved to fill that void. They grew in size and intelligence to become a highly advanced society. They call themselves Mellifera, and they have made substantial technological advances in addition to the technology they adapted from human ruins, up to and including space travel.   In Apiary, each player controls one of twenty unique factions. Your faction starts the game with a hive, a few resources, and worker bees. A worker-placement, hive-building challenge awaits you: explore planet..
  • Apiary: Expanding the Hive
    Apiary: Expanding the Hive adds to the variety of the core game with components designed to fit inside the original insert and a comprehensive appendix that covers the core game and the expansion. This expansion features a few bigger additions (7 new hive mats, 15 unique frames, and 15 new seed cards), along with a greater variety of tiles and tokens, plus a few updated components.   You can follow along and get a September 4 launch notification by clicking here. 1 comprehensive appendix with expansion rules 7 new hive mats 15 new frames (all unique) 15 new seed cards 1 new faction 4 new recruits 3 new carvings 5 new developments 4 new farms 3 new dance tiles 6 new dance tokens 4 new explore tokens The expansion also repla..
  • Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig
    Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is published by Stonemaier Games as part of a collaboration with Bezier Games. The king demands a castle! You are a world-renowned master builder who has been asked by the Mad King Ludwig to help design his castles. Projects of such significance require the expertise of more than one person, so for each assignment you are paired with another master builder to execute your grandiose plans. Will your planning and collaborative skills be enough to design the most impressive castles in the world? Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a competitive tile-drafting game in which each tile is a room in a castle. You work together with the player on your left to design one castle, and with the player on your right on another castle. On ..
  • Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Secrets and Soirees Expansion
    The king is throwing a party and inviting all the neighbors! This expansion to Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig expands the game up to 8 players with two new room types (activity and secret rooms), a new specialty room type (ballrooms), more bonus cards, and a new throne room.   Would you rather party alone? This box also includes an Automa solo mode for the base game and the expansion, as well as optional rules for a new mode of play for 2-8 players in which you build your own castle instead of sharing one with your neighbors. ..
  • Between Two Cities
    It is the early 1800s, a time of immense construction and urbanization. You are a world-renowned master city planner who has been asked to redesign two different cities. Projects of such significance require the expertise of more than one person, so for each assignment you are paired with a partner with whom to discuss and execute your grandiose plans. Will your planning and collaborative skills be enough to design the most impressive city in the world? Between Two Cities is a partnership-driven tile-drafting game in which each tile represents part of a city: factory, shop, park, landmarks, etc. You work with the player on your left to design the heart of one city, and with the player on your right to design the heart of another city. On each turn you select two tiles from hand, rev..
  • Between Two Cities Essential Edition
    Between Two Cities is a 30-minute tile-drafting game for 1-7 players in which each tile is part of a city. You work with the player on your left to build one city center while simultaneously working with the player on your right to build a second city center. On each turn you select two tiles from your hand, reveal them, then work with your partners to place one of your selected tiles into each of your two cities.   At the end of the game, each city is scored for its architectural grandiosity. Your final score is the lower of the scores of the two cities you helped design, and the player with the highest final score wins the game. To win, you have to share your attention and your devotion equally Between Two Cities.   The Essential Edition combines components f..
  • Charterstone [EN]
    The prosperous Kingdom of Greengully, ruled for centuries by the Forever King, has issued a decree to its citizens to colonize the vast lands beyond its borders. In an effort to start a new village, the Forever King has selected 6 citizens for the task, each of whom has a unique set of skills they use to build their charter. In Charterstone, a competitive legacy game, you construct buildings and populate a shared village. Building stickers are permanently added to the game board and become action spaces for any player to use. Thus, you start off with simple choices and few workers, but soon you have a bustling village with dozens of possible actions. Your journey through Charterstone’s many secrets will last 12 games, but it doesn’t end there. Your completed village will be a on..
  • Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
    You find yourself in a dystopian cityscape with a few workers at your disposal to make your mark on the world. Like most people in dystopian fiction, your workers are oblivious to their situation. This world is all they've ever known, and you may use them at your whim. The world as we know it has ended, and in its place the city of Euphoria has risen. Believing that a new world order is needed to prevent another apocalypse, the Euphorian elite erect high walls around their golden city and promote intellectual equality above all else. Gone are personal freedoms; gone is knowledge of the past. All that matters is the future. The Euphorians aren’t alone. Outside the city are those who experienced the apocalypse firsthand—they have the memories and scars to prove it. These Wasteland..
  • Euphoria: Ignorance Is Bliss
    Welcome back to Euphoria! While you were away, the Icarites descended from their lofty perch among the clouds, imposing a new way of life upon the Euphorians, Wastelanders, and Subterrans. Is this a fresh start for the dystopian citizens, or will history repeat itself?   Ignorance Is Bliss is a "more stuff" expansion. Or perhaps a better way of putting it is "alternative stuff." For example, there are a bunch of new recruit cards and market tiles that you can use as an alternative to the recruits and markets in the original game (they aren't designed to be mixed together with the original recruits and markets). There's also a new type of recruit card (not a new faction, just a new type).   Ignorance Is Bliss is also a "player count" expansion. The original game..
  • Expeditions
    The sequel to Scythe sends players on a new adventure into Siberia, where a massive meteorite crashed near the Tunguska River, awakening ancient corruption. An expedition led by Dr. Tarkovsky ventures into the taiga to learn about the meteorite and its impact on the land. Itching for adventure, heroes from the war privately fund their own expeditions to Siberia, hoping to find artifacts, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve glory.   Expeditions is a competitive, card-driven, engine-building game of exploration. Play cards to gain power, guile, and unique worker abilities; move your mech to mysterious locations and gain cards found among the tiles; use workers, items, meteorites, and quests to enhance your mech; and use power and guile to vanquish corruption. &nbs..
  • Expeditions Playmat
    This natural rubber playmat for Expeditions has double-stitched edges for durability. It is double sided (one side with outlines for hexes, cards, and basecamp and one side just with art), and it fits all components for a 5-player game. It measures 900x900mm. ..
  • Expeditions: Gears of Corruption
    Following a series of expeditions—some successful, others not—into the frigid Siberian tundra, corruption has spread from animals and people to a much larger threat. New heroes, better prepared than their predecessors, gather to face the prospect of a mechanical monster, but the changing landscape brings greater uncertainty as they explore Tunguska with fresh eyes.   The Gears of Corruption expansion to Expeditions adds elements of risk and danger in the form of secret bonuses on map tokens and a corrupted mech that roams the land. To counter these threats, the expansion offers 2 new mechs and 4 new character/companion pairs, as well as components for a 6th player. Gears of Corruption also accelerates early gameplay by giving players starting resources and a hero worker tha..